IVD Gesellschaft für Innovative
Veterinärdiagnostik mbH


Instructions for taking samples for histological examination

Histomorphological examination can provide valuable information in addition to clinical and macroscopic examination, which can be essential for the evaluation of laboratory diagnostic results with regard to the relevance of detected pathogens.

 The value of the histological examination is very much dependent on the quality of the samples sent in. The following points should therefore be considered when taking samples:

  • formalin-fixing of samples as soon as possible immediately post mortem in 10x volume of formalin
  • max. 1 cm thick slices of macroscopic lesions with transition to healthy tissue
  • Samples of one animal can be pooled in a sufficiently large tube

 respiratory diseases:

  • at least 3-4 lung slices of 1 cm thickness
  • from the cranioventral lung areas with Bronchus cross-sections 

gastrointestinal diseases:

  • 1-2 cm long pieces each of stomach and several localisations of the small and large intestine (anterior and posterior jejunum, ileo-caecal junction, colon)
  • If possible do not open pieces of intestine

 central nervous diseases:

  • Brain with cerebellum and brain stem, spinal cord

 systemic diseases:

  • Lung, kidney, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, tonsil, heart, brain, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

An accompanying letter with a medical history report is essential for the interpretation of the histological findings and the delimitation of the derivable aetiological differential diagnoses!

Immunohistological examinations for the specific detection of certain pathogens in the tissue are only useful, if a previous histological examination revealed morphological changes, which justify the suspicion of infection with the pathogen in question. Is the meaning, which role a pathogen has played in a specific disease process, not of interest but just the question, whether or not an animal was infected with the pathogen, a PCR analysis of unfixed tissue is preferable due to its higher sensitivity. 

For further questions please contact:

Department of Pathology
Phone: +49511 220029-11 or -0
e-Mail:  service@ivd-gmbh.de 

Our diagnostic offers for various diseases and animal species can be found in our list of products and services as well as on the diagnostic request forms.