Dissection with target-oriented organ removal in pigs - what for?
The post-mortem opening and pathomorphological examination of the carcass is a valuable addition to clinical diagnostic methods.
While the clinical examination of the living animal must in principle be limited to a check of the organ functions and a narrow spectrum of sample materials that can be taken from the animal, such as blood, excretions and secretions, the pathological examination of dead and killed animals allows the optimum samples for clarifying the cause of the disease and death to be taken specifically from a very broad spectrum of possible samples and examined further.
The pathomorphological findings can provide additional information that can often narrow down the aetiological differential diagnoses of the clinical examination to a few. These can then be specifically clarified by further examinations.
In addition, indirect and direct evidence of pathogens that occur naturally or frequently in pigs, such as PCV2, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Glaesserella parasuis or Mycoplasma, can often only be weighted in terms of their case-related clinicopathological significance through the detection or exclusion of pathogen-typical lesions.
Dissections at IVD GmbH
When pigs are dissected using the IVD, suitable sample material for further examinations is taken based on anamnesis and macroscopic findings. After consultation with the attending veterinarian samples are subjected to the desired infection diagnostic tests and/or histological examinations.
For tests that are not offered by IVD GmbH itself, suitable samples will be forwarded immediately to other institutes upon request (e.g. toxicological investigations).
Animals for dissection are accepted from Monday to Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. so that the samples taken can be further examined on the same day without any loss of time. If the animal is delivered later, it cannot be guaranteed that the carcass will be dissected, including further examinations, on the same day.
Due to the spatial and technical conditions, only pigs with a maximum body weight of 59 kg can be dissected. Animals suspected of suffering from a listed disease according to article 5 of AHL and Regulation (EU) 2018/1629 ("Anzeigepflicht" in Germany) will not be accepted. Currently no live animals can be accepted for necropsy.
Pre-registration by telephone (0511/220029-0) and a medical history report of the attending veterinarian, e. g. by e-mail (service@ivd-gmbh.de) or by fax (0511/220029-99) are required.
Animals that have died as recently as possible should be sent in. Untreated animals with typical clinical symptoms are best suited to clarifying the disease process.
Department of Pathology
Phone: +49511 220029-11 or -0
e-Mail: service@ivd-gmbh.de
Our diagnostic offers for various diseases and animal species can be found in our list of products and services as well as on the diagnostic request forms.