Notes on interpreting test results

ELISA test to determine antibodies against salmonellae in porcine serum, plasma and meat juice samples

Compliance with the ordinance on reducing the spread of Salmonellas by slaughter pigs (Swine Salmonella Ordinance) of March 13, 2007, is not equivalent to participation in Salmonella monitoring as a fundamental part of the QS test certification program!

In that program, the Qualiproof database is used by QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH, Bonn, Germany (, as the central Salmonella database, which is maintained by Qualitype AG, Dresden, Germany (

For data from Salmonella test results to be included in the Qualiproof database, we must have both the Vet ID of the veterinarian and the VVVO number of the farm, and you must enter into the Qualiproof database that we are the authorized laboratory for your practice. For more information, please see the QS guidelines to be found at the website:

If you do not wish to participate in the Qualiproof program, you or the animal owner must maintain records about the results of Salmonella testing.