
Gesellschaft für Innovative Veterinärdiagnostik

Albert-Einstein-Str. 5
30926 Seelze-Letter

Phone: +49 (0)511 220029-0
Fax: +49 (0)511 220029-99

Value added tax identification number (VAT Reg. No.): DE 191460506
Entry in the commercial register: Amtsgericht Hannover HRB 56590

Responsible for contents (V.i.S.d.P):

Managing partners:

  • Dr. Katrin Strutzberg-Minder
  • Dr. Matthias Homuth
  • Jens-Peter Minder


(The above information conforms to paragraph 5 of the German tele-media regulations (TMG))


Referrals and links:

Since we have no influence whatsoever on the form and content of the pages linked or referred to in this site, we herewith explicitly disassociate ourselves from all contents of all pages linked or referred to in this site and point out that the authors of such pages are solely responsible for those contents.


Although all information provided here has been researched with the highest degree of care, we reserve the right not to be responsible for its topicality, accuracy, quality, correctness or completeness. Liability claims regarding damage due to the use of any information provided will therefore be rejected

Copyright to images:



All Images


ISS_3431_01053 (many test tubes with donor blood being tested, copy space)

02A12K88 (Close-up of a stack of paper)


02I72415 (Chemical lab with glass tubing)

Slider / Header:

ING_41667_00527 (Taking blue liquid sample in laboratory)

02B73261 (Close-up of a specimen holders over a petri dish)

02E98887 (laboratory assistant analyzing a blood sample)

03B67169 (Lab Worker with Petri Dishes)

ISS_6429_47212 (pig on a spring green grass)

03C70723 (vietnam pig)

02A16RRH (Young pig looking for food)

02A14UYV (Pigs)

03D62929 (petri dishes)

ING_18990_00842 (Multichannel Pipette with biological samples)


News /Animals:

agriculture-4077998_1920 by ramboldheiner from pixabay

cat-ged05e75f4 from pixabay

chicken-4849979 Image by Xuân Tu?n Anh ??ng


cow-3466106 image by Greg Montani_pixabay

fire-salamander-g5b112a053 from pixabay

frog-geaa5b97f3 from pixabay

horse-2697476 Image by Dorota Kudyba

grass-3215012 Image by Greg Gwynne

pig-g649b4e0d1_1920 from pixabay

sheep-g50d3124ec from pixabay

sheep-g7ade82ae3 from pixabay

sheep-gcf415a472 from pixabay

snake-g171904e9d from pixabay

tortoise-gfcd303e39from pixabay

Slider / Header:

chicken-4849979 Image by Xuân Tu?n Anh ??ng

haflinger-g2e8a03330 from pixabay

sheep-gbe7b4981b from pixabay

General informations:

lame-4601791_1280 Eva Gabriella Revesz

christmas-card-7601550_1920 Rosy from pixabay